Saturday, May 14, 2011

The question is hard to answer. It's different for everyone. Bottom Space and I have a love hate relationship. I want to be there but when I am there I hate it. You can tell if I'm getting close. I'm whiny and emotional and very clingy. Mostly because I feel so volunerable. It's when I need some of that special TLC that all bottoms need. When I'm in that space I need it the most. I need that TLC the most because it is all a part of the process. It's the time when I need my top to do the most that she can do. weather it's push me over the edge spanking wise or show me how much she cares by holding me for an enterity. It's the best time to get in and prove to me that if I fall she will pick me up. It's the best time for really any kind of lesson because it's the time I'm most trusting. Now thats stage 1 for me. A stage thats really hard to accept. stage 2 is when I do accept it thats when I'm complient and not fighting thats when I'm truely in bottomspace. It takes a lot to get me through stage one into stage two. It seems like everytime I get into stage one something happens and we get set back.

I guess why I'm posting this is because my last post I was getting there struggling with it but doing ok. Kali is on a trip and I've become more and more unsteady when it comes to being in bottom space. Kali hasn't left top space she said but I've left bottom space. I often think of things I can do to try and reach bottom space before Kali returns. I often have the fear that Kali will leave top space and I know that if that fear is there then I'm nowhere near bottom space. The trust that it takes to let Kali lead me through relearning everything is more then I can express. I know that once I feel comfortable in bottom space... I guess I'm just having a hard time accepting bottom space because it's like once we get there something happens and either I leave bottom space or she leaves top space and we never seem to be able to real our goal. So my friends I hope this is the last time I EVER have to write about the struggle getting to bottom space! I'm in A LOT of trouble when Kali gets back so you I will have to blog about it. It's not gunna be pretty!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Struggle with Bottom Space

So bottom space is a confusion and frustrating thing. the last few days have been rough. Monday I was spanked a lot. I was so tired and emotional. Tuesday I was home alone all day and I did well with bottom space. I didn't fight Jenn when she said take your meds or anything like that. Yesterday was rough again. Yesterday was the roughest yet I was spanked hard several times. The last one was right before bed. I don't even know how to explain it. Kali and I have been in this type of relationship for a year. With all the struggles we have had we are kinda starting over. I'm having a really hard time with it all. I'm struggling to grasp it let alone accept it. I've been so overwhelmed with the whole thing. I'm having a hard time giving up control. Today I did ok because I had control more then yesterday at least it felt like it. I had control over when to work on my lines and when to go into the corner. In a way it's a good thing but in another way it gave me a sense to not be in bottom space. I have been craving this soreness the connection the closeness the vulnerability. I'm needing it all but fighting it all. I wish I could say I was as closer or closer to bottom space as I was Tuesday. I'm not though. I wish I could say that I felt like things were falling into to place. I guess in a certain degree I can. I just don't know how to explain it. I don't know how to explain what I feel about it all right now. One part of me wants to cling to Jenn right now and say keep it up it's working don't stop now. The other part of me is screaming not to get any further into bottom space. I know I need to feel vulnerable to her I need her to take control away from me and I need to cling to her and allow things to happen. I know I need her to be hardcore strict on me and I need to feel the pain from a spanking each time I sit down. Although my tolerance seems to have risen and 15 minutes after I'm spanked I wont feel anything. I think that's the frustrating part of it too. I know I need to be spanked and a lot I know I need her to make me do things I don't want to do like lay over her lap and her taking down my pants. I know I need to let myself become open to her. Like right now I want so badly to be in a vulnerable position I hate it so much but I'm needing it so badly. Part of it is because I'm so stressed out another part is because I just need that connection again. I guess I'm still not where I need to be. Jenn hasn't really broken through. Though she did break through a little last night. That kinda scares me. If I let out that many tears for her to break through a little bit how many tears is it going to take to just break down let go and let her back into that one spot? I think that's the hardest part with me. To get her in to that point again. The more I cry and submit (for lack of better words) the more tears there are to be let out. I'm not sure where this will lead but I'm praying I'm at least going in the right direction.

I made what you just read last night. Today I find that I am not nearly as close to bottom space as I was yesterday it's like each day I'm slipping further and further away from it. That kills me inside because it brings such a sense of peace and I find so much strength from it. I feel like I need to be there now more then ever especially over the next week and a half. I'm scared to death I'm going to slip way out of bottom space and be right where I began and that this has been just a waste of effort. I feel beyond hopeless right now with my abilities... I hope that theres hope if that makes any sense. I'm not sure where to go from here...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Time to Get up and goin!

Kali said her hello so here is mine :) we will get this thing up and going here soon. Maybe even fill out some questions so everyone who doesn't know us personally can understand our relationship a little more! I hope everyone enjoys reading about our adventures in our relationship. Hang tight some fun posts are coming soon!