Here's another way to get to know us a little better! Pink is answers by Kali and Blue is answers from Gracy!
1. What makes the relationship work for you?
Kali: Complete honesty
Gracy: Trust and guidance
2. What is the most frustrating part of the relationship?
Kali: Not knowing how to help in certain situations
Gracy:Not being in the place that I need to be in to benefit most from Kali's help and guidance
3. If you could pick one moment in your relationship that stands out more than all the rest which would it be and why?
Kali: The moment I cherish is from only a few nights ago, but it's not because it was so recent that I cherish it.... I put Gracy to bed, read to her, and gave her a good girl spanking.... and she fell asleep so peacefully and just looked like a little angel sleeping there... it made me so happy to see her sleeping so peacefully.... I will always remember that and hope to have many more moments just like that to come.....
Gracy: One moment is incredibly hard. There are so many moments that stick out in my mind. I guess the ONE moment that I will remember forever and cherish forever would be the time that Kalista spanked me and I fell asleep over her lap while she gave me a good girl spanking. Not sure why this one time sticks out so much other than the feeling I had that night of complete peace. I felt like nothing on earth could go wrong. I felt safe happy loved and at peace with everything and everyone
4. What is the biggest lesson you have learned since we developed a relationship?
Kali: I have the ability to change a person's life and I am stronger than I give myself credit for
Gracy: To never give up and walk away from something you cherish so much even if it does mean you will be hurt. Out of all the mentors I've had I've been burned a lot. All of them were worth the pain that I felt and went through in order to get to Kali. I wouldn't change anything about it.
5. What is your favorite and least favorite position and implement?
Kali: Bent over the bed, with the bath brush (favorite), laid out flat on the bed with the belt (least favorite)
Gracy: OTK or bent over the bed with Kali's hand/arm wrapped around me and her hand! Kali can't spank with her hand due to physical limitations. (although there are times she can bring me to tears with her hand). Those would be my favorite and my lease favorite would be on my knees and elbows and the belt. I hate that position because I don't exactly feel safe. The belt because I just hate it. It's a love hate relationship. I hate the way it hurts but I crave the soreness it can bring the next day.
6. If you could change anything about each other, what would it be?
Kali: I would like Gracy to be able to let go of the past and not allow others to hold her back
Gracy: Kali's struggle with feeling like she has to 'fix' all the problems that I face.
7. What do you value most about our relationship?
Kali: The fact that no matter what happens, we always work through it and move forward
Gracy: Knowing that no matter what ups and downs we may come across and no matter how bumpy the road is we will come out in one piece as mentor and mentee.
8. What is the main reason you entered the "spanko world" to begin with?
Kali: I saw a need and I felt as if I could meet that need
Gracy: Guidance. I've lived a life of horror and have never been guided and taught right from wrong (Hints REteaching Grace)
9. Where do you think you would be today if we had never met each other?
Kali: This relationship has given me a sense of purpose so I would be w/o that purpose to my life....
Gracy: Nowhere close to where I am today. I would probably be still stuck in the cycle of abuse drugs and alcohol or dead.
10. What have you gained the most so far from our relationship?
Kali: A sense of purpose
Gracy: Hope I've learned that as long as you have hope it's worth the struggle. I had hoped to reenter the spanko world I had hoped to find someone who would help teach me how to be a good citizen and I had hope that one day I would be able to hold my head high and be proud of who I am and what I have overcome.